Maintaining Dental Implants: Tips from Eugene Implant Specialist


Maintaining Dental Implants: Tips from Eugene Implant Specialist

Congratulations on your new dental implants! Now that you have restored your smile and improved your oral health, it's important to take proper care of your implants to ensure their long-term success. At Eugene Implant Specialist, we want to help you maintain your implants and enjoy the benefits they offer. In this blog post, we'll share some essential tips for caring for your dental implants.

Regular oral hygiene is crucial for the longevity of your implants. Just like natural teeth, implants need to be cleaned daily to prevent plaque buildup and gum disease. Brush your teeth at least twice a day using a soft-bristle toothbrush and a non-abrasive toothpaste. Pay special attention to the gumline around the implants and use a gentle, circular motion to clean thoroughly.

Flossing is equally important in maintaining dental implants. Use a floss threader or an interdental brush to clean between the implants and remove any food particles or plaque. Regular floss may not be effective in reaching these areas, so make sure to use tools specifically designed for implant care. Your implant specialist can recommend the best products for your specific needs.

Regular dental check-ups are essential for monitoring the health of your implants. Schedule routine visits with your implant specialist to ensure that your implants are functioning properly and to address any concerns or issues that may arise. These check-ups also provide an opportunity for professional cleaning, which can help remove any stubborn plaque or tartar that may have accumulated.

Avoid habits that can damage your implants. Refrain from chewing on hard objects, such as ice or pens, as this can put excessive pressure on the implants and potentially cause damage. Additionally, if you grind or clench your teeth, consider wearing a nightguard to protect your implants and natural teeth from excessive wear.

A healthy lifestyle is beneficial for both your oral and overall health. Avoid smoking or using tobacco products, as they can increase the risk of implant failure. Maintain a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals to support optimal healing and implant stability.

If you experience any discomfort, pain, or notice any changes in your implants, contact your implant specialist immediately. Prompt attention to any issues can prevent further complications and ensure the long-term success of your implants.

At Eugene Implant Specialist, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive care for your dental implants. Follow these tips, and with proper maintenance and regular visits to our practice, your implants will continue to enhance your smile for years to come.

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388 High St, Eugene, OR 97401, United States

(541) 663-4861, (541)341-1404